Netherlands not free on Labour Day

The Kingdom of the Netherlands is one of the few European countries, were Labour Day or 1 May is not a free day. Despite that social-democrats participated in Dutch governments, the first of May was never declared a free day for workers. This is mainly because the Party of Labour is not radical nor revolutionary. In coalition with liberals and conservatives, the Dutch social-democrats behaved moderate and in line with the power structures of capitalism.

Capitalism in the Netherlands

Despite what many think, the Netherlands is not a liberal leftist paradise. The country does tolerate a lot of personal freedoms, but its economic politics are driven by politicians in the service of capitalism. No Dutch government has ever dared to oppose big business, not even the government of Joop den Uyl, who is called the most leftist prime minister. After Wim Kok became leader of the social-democrats in 1986, the Party of Labour embraced the neoliberal third way and became a typical party of the bourgeoisie. Today Dutch social-democracy is no longer seen by workers as their voice in politics.

The capitalist left-wing in the Netherlands

The Party of Labour is not the only pro-capitalist ”leftist” party in the Netherlands. They have joined up with the liberal greens of GreenLeft, a party that was founded in 1991. GreenLeft is a party of liberal greens, who call for a naive mixture of eco-capitalism with Europeanism, meaning they love the European Union and its undemocratic capitalist institutions. GreenLeft is popular among the progressive bourgeoisie, but it has nothing to offer ordinary workers. The Dutch liberal greens are too willing to join a capitalist government to proof their loyalty to the establishment.

While the social democrats have embraced the capitalist system, there is a third party that claims to be leftist. This is the Socialist Party, founded in 1971 as a revolutionary Maoist party, promoting the idea of the Chinese Stalinist leader: Mao Zedong. It slowly abandoned Maoism and embraced a strange mixture of leftist populism before becoming more mainstream social-democratic by the late 1990’s. Today you can call the Socialist Party a social-democratic party with nationalist characteristics. Their propaganda is sometimes anti-capitalist, but their program is not. The leftist populists do not call for socialism nor fight for a socialist Europe. This is why the Socialist Party has not won an election since 2010.

Inequality growing due to inflation

Workers in the Netherlands were told by social-democracy not to fight too much. The Party of Labour tried to keep the workers in line by call on them to talk with their capitalist bosses instead of striking. After the rise of Wim Kok, the social-democrats told trade unionists that they had to accept austerity, deregulation and market based politics, because There Was No Alternative. This mentality wrecked the Dutch trade union movement as many workers came to the conclusion that unions did not worked in their interests. The capitalist media helped too, by portraying the unions as bureaucratic and elitist. Today only 870.000 workers are members of the Federation of Dutch Trade Unions.

After the Covid-19 crisis and the start of the War in Ukraine, the capitalist class started to increase prices for almost all products. They say that they have no choice, but we know that they just want to keep up their profits at all costs. Dutch workers are understanding that they need to fight back and the Federation of Dutch Trade Unions is willing to fight again. But what is lacking is a political vehicle as too many trade unionists remain influenced by the failed methods of social-democracy. The Netherlands also lacks a workers party on a socialist program, that fights for a socialist Netherlands as part of a voluntary European Socialist Federative Republic

How capitalism failed in the former Stalinist east

Eastern Europe was not the first continent that broke with Stalinism. In fact China had started to embrace capitalism as early as 1978. It was the Chinese ’’Communist’’ Party that first started with Special Economic Zones, long before Mikhail Gorbachev was General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet-Union (CPSU). The Chinese and many sectarian Stalinists had attacked the USSR for abandoning classic Stalinism after 1956. Now those sectarian Maoists were the first who embraced capitalism. The Vietnamese and Laotians followed with Doi Moi in 1986 and finally Eastern Europe under Soviet leadership slowly started to embraced the market dictatorship. Despite the promise of improvements, capitalism did not help working class people.

Stalinism as a failed political and economic model

From 1945 until 1990, Eastern Europe was ruled by communist parties, installed by Moscow as its puppets. These communist parties all followed the classic Stalinist system that Stalin had set up in the Soviet-Union around 1927. It was build on a single party state and the complete nationalization of all means of production. According to the Stalinists and their supporters, socialism was build and soon the communist society would set in. Revolutionary socialists from the Trotskyist tradition rejected this falsehood as we knew that a Stalinist society is build on top down centralism, bureaucratic planning and no democratic input from workers.

Yet even Trotskyists were surprised by the quick collapse of the Stalinist model between 1989 and 1991. The Stalinist communists always said that we were ’’ counter-revolutionaries’’ and that we stood for the ’’restoration of capitalism’’. In the end, it turned out that the Stalinists were the ones who embraced capitalism and abandoned their Marxist-Leninist facade. Not only the Eastern Europeans and the Soviet leadership moved towards the market economy, China and Asian Stalinists too choose the market over planning. The capitalists of the world proclaimed victory and called for the end of state ownership.

Stalinists introduce capitalism

Contrast to popular believe, the people who introduced the free market were the same ones who had praised Marx and Lenin just years before. It was the communist party bureaucracy in each Stalinist state that choose to privatise the economy. The first one was Poland, there the Polish United Workers Party lost power to the political party; Solidarity set up by Lech Wałęsa. Although the trade union Solidarity started as a socialist one, it’s political formation was divided and lacked a clear ideology. Lech Wałęsa managed to privatise the economy, but it cost him everything. Workers felt betrayed because they were told that capitalism would bring them wealth. Instead it only brought wealth to those who owned the privatised state enterprises.

Many blamed Mikhail Gorbachev for the collapse of the Soviet-Union. But the people who broke up the union were the members of the Stalinist bureaucracy. The Communist Party of the Soviet-Union was banned, but its members simply switched side and colours. Under the leadership of Boris Yeltsin they privatised the economy and ran off with the profits made by workers. Like Lech Wałęsa, Boris Yeltsin was hated and rejected by the late 1990’s. In Hungary and Bulgaria, the Stalinists simply renamed themselves into social-democrats and remained a force of power.

Elders praise the Stalinist period

Elderly people in former Stalinist countries, openly praise the time when there was no capitalism. Despite its limits and undemocratic nature, Stalinism provide workers with a (very) small glip of what is possible if the economy is under collective control. Yes, the propagandists of the ruling class will always use the ineffective planning methods and the abuses, but ordinary people who lived in those days also remember a time when life was not based on profiteering. Today elders suffer from low pensions and crumbling infrastructures as the capitalist state has all but abandoned them and their towns.

In Eastern Europe, Russia and former Soviet republics, the capitalist rulers care little for those who are old and of no use for the system. The You-Tube channel: Bold and Bankrupt by Benjamin Rich, shows how the people of the ex-USSR and Eastern Europe live today. Unlike western documentaries and history shows, his channel is a window into the world of ordinary workers, who experienced a decline of life under capitalism. Since Benjamin Rich speaks Russian, he can communicate with many people who were educated in Russian, even if he is not in Russia itself.

Poverty and disillusion due to capitalist restoration

What Benjamin Rich shows is that most older working class people, have entered poverty and disillusion. They had worked under the Stalinist system and many had high hopes for capitalism when it was introduced between 1989 and 1991. However most of them realised that the system was only serving those who had money. Capitalism ignores you if you don’t have capital and this is the iron rule in all countries, even in the western world. To please the new ruling class, few money is spend on pensioners and infrastructures. You can see this in the videos of Benjamin Rich as he visits countries like Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. These nations have a lof of elder poverty and abandoned infrastructure, that used to be be part of ”socialist” life under Stalinism.

Because of the economic hardships after 1991, elders tend to idolize the Stalinist period. For them, life was better in a time when the state told them what to do. Under capitalism they must save themselves and none were educated to do that. Young people know how to work under capitalism, but low incomes forces them to leave the rural parts or whole countries as is the case in the Baltic nations. Although Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia look modern on the outside, many young workers do not wish to live in their birth nations. This is also the case in Hungary, were many younger workers hate the right-wing regime of Viktor Orban.

Democratic socialism, not social democracy is needed

The Stalinists embraced social-democracy in theory after 1991. But even classic social-democracy with its welfare system would no longer be tolerated by capitalists today. If a country would enforce classic social-democracy, the capitalist class would start to disinvest and close companies. Capital flight and mass lay-offs would force any government to capitulate as we saw with François Mitterrand. Until the late 1970’s, the capitalists feared a potential workers revolution, this is why they compromised with social-democracy. But now that the ”socialist” danger is gone, the ruling class has no reason to compromise and they went full on the offensive in the 1990’s, demanding austerity and deregulation.

Social-democrats have also been tainted with neoliberalism as most European social-democrats govern no different then liberals or conservatives. There is little or no difference between a social-democratic government or a liberal government. Social-democracy has become just another capitalist tool in the political game of the ruling class, they sell to us workers. This is why we call for democratic socialism from below.

Socialism means democratic control over the biggest companies and all means of production. It does not mean the complete nationalization of all businesses, only those who are in control of whole economic sectors.

From Greenpeace to Sea Sheppard and now the Captain Paul Watson Foundation

At the age of 73, Captain Paul Watson is a legend in the struggle against illegal whaling and fishing. Although not a revolutionary or even a socialist, Watson understood that the methods of Greenpeace were not enough to stop the murder of innocent animals in the name of tradition and profiteering. After being forced out of Greenpeace, Paul Watson founded the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in the USA. His first direct action was against the Canadian seal hunting in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in March 1979. Watson became famous on television when Whale Wars exposed the Japanese whaling program. However the Commander of Neptune’s Navy was betrayed and forced out of Sea Shepherd in 2022, forcing the old sea fighter to return to his roots as a fighter of direct action.

Who is Captain Paul Watson?

Paul Franklin Watson is a marine activist of direct action. By now 73 years old, Watson has fought since the early 1970’s against the abuse and killing of sea animals. He was captain of some Greenpeace vessels before the organisation decided that his methods were too radical. Paul Watson does not believe in silent protest. He believes in direct action meaning confronting those who seek to endanger animals for tradition or profit. Greenpeace forced him out in 1977, which resulted in the foundation of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Because of his direct action methods in confronting seal and whale killers, Greenpeace labelled him a ”violent extremist”.

In 1980, the capitalist Canadian state turned on Watson, because he had assaulted a fisheries officer and painting harp seal pups with red dye to devalue their pelts. It was clear that the capitalist state fully stood on the side of those who believed in seal cruelty. Canada arrested him again in 1993 for direct action against Cuban and Spanish fishing boats off the coast of Newfoundland. A year later the MV Whales Forever collided with a Norwegian coastguard ship. Watson was blamed by the Kingdom of Norway because he dared to oppose the Norwegian whaling industry, which remains protected by the capitalist state!

Due to his uncompromising stand and direct action, Paul Watson created a base of support among progressive wealthy figures. Wealthy film stars and other VIP’s have become supporters and donated a lot of money to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. It is because of that money that Watson was able to go out and defend the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. From 2003 until 2017, Sea Shepherd fought a titanic battle against the Japanese: Institute of Cetacean Research, a front group for Japanese whale capitalists, who used the institute as a cover to hunt and kill whales for profit.

The RV Farley Mowat was the flagship of Watson from 1997 until 2008. The ship was seized by the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans in order to stop Sea Shepherd from intervening in the seal hunt without an observation permit. However this did not stop Paul Watson. He soon had a new ship thanks to the donations from Robert Hunter. This ship would become famous under the name Steve Irwin who was also a supporter of direct action. Sea Shepherd used the MV Steve Irwin as their flagship until it was retired in 2019.

Who hate Captain Paul Watson?

The list of enemies of Paul Watson is long. It goes from establishment liberals, conservatives, moderate leftists, people who oppose his direct action methods, to far-right nationalists and lovers of animal cruelty. The Japanese: Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR) considered him an eco-terrorist, who’s ”violent” methods opposed their ”research”. However the ICR was just an excuse, used by whaling capitalists to make a profit off the loopholes in the International Whaling Commission law banning commercial whaling. It was not until 2014, that the International Court of Justice ruled that the ICR was in violation of the ban. In result, Japan withdrew from the International Whaling Commission.

Before his titanic battles with the Japanese whalers, Paul Watson was already confronted with the might of the capitalist system, which defends animal cruelty in the name of ”order” and ”tradition”. America and Canada have branded him ”violent”, for standing up to people who wanted to murder young seals, whales, dolphins and other sea animals purely for the hunting tradition. There are also those who claim that Watson is building a cult of personality and that his rule is law. While there is a hierarchical structure on Watson’s ships, reality remains that Paul Watson has never put himself before the mission.

Watson is not Mr. Nice Guy. He is a demanding personality, who has always stated that his supporters should be ready to give their lives to protect annimals. People’s problems mean little to him as his focus has been the fight for the oceans and those who live in it. Some say that this is Paul Watson’s biggest weakness, that he has little regard for human’s. Reality remains that capitalistic humans are the species that is causing others to die. Capitalists do not destroy whole eco-systems because they need food, they do it because of greed.

Whale Wars

Before 2008, few people outside the anti-whaling and ecological community knew of Captain Paul Watson. Yes, the capitalist states knew and despised him including nations like Iceland, Japan and Norway who have come into conflict with Sea Shepherd for their crimes against animals. It was however a television series that made Sea Shepherd a big name, on equal levels with Greenpeace. It all started during the 2007/2008 whaling season of the ICR, when Sea Shepherd confronted the Japanese whaling fleet. Camera’s of Discovery Channel were present and recorded the battle of the MV Steve Irwin against whaling ships like the Yūshin Maru No. 2 and the factory vessel Nisshin Maru.

The direct action methods were praised and rejected by many. Paul Watson has never cared about his critics. This is seen in the fact that he puts the mission first before his own image and ignores personal conflicts. Due to the growing popularity of Whale Wars, people could see how whales were slaughtered in the name profiteering. After 2008 and the start of Whale Wars, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society was able to buy more ships to oppose the actions of the ICR in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

By 2010, the MV Bob Barker was the next vessel in Watson’s Neptune Navy. Thanks to 5 million dollars in donation by Robert William Barker, Paul Watson could buy the former whaling vessel, which has been working for Norwegian whale killers from 1950 until 2004. By the time Sea Shepherd bought the ship, it was 60 years of age. Yet that did not stop Watson from using his new asset against the ICR and their modern whaling vessels. In this Sea Shepherd was always outgunned as the ICR fleet was way faster. Ships like the Yūshin Maru No. 2 were build in 2002 and have a top speed of 22 knots.

Whale Wars ended in 2014 when when Animal Planet was re-branded to attract broader audiences, moving away from animal oriented programs. Ironically this slowly happened to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society too after Paul Watson was forced to leave as leader, abide by an injunction barring him from proximity with Japanese whaling ships. Watson did returned as fleet commander after the International Court of Justice declared that the ICR was in violation of the ban on commercial whaling.

Sea Shepherd Global and the ICR

Sea Shepherd Global was set up to coordinate the ships of the movement after it grew beyond the MV Steve Irwin and MV Bob Barker. Sea Shepherd flagged their ships in the Netherlands and so a global organisation was set up. All none-American sections operated under the name Sea Shepherd Global, while the American section remained the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. By 2019, Paul Watson had left the leadership of the American section and was only active on the leadership board of Sea Shepherd Global.

After 2017, both the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and Sea Shepherd Global stated that their could not longer oppose the ICR, due to the fact that Japan had left the International Whaling Commission. Still, the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR) finally said that win out government money their whaling operation would not be profitable, finally exposing what Paul Watson always claimed; that whaling is only done because of tradition, with no regard for the suffering of whales. Japan had always given huge subsidies to covert whalers. 5.1 billion yen (US$47.31 million) were donated to murder whiles under the cloak of research, a word painted on all Japanese whaling vessels of the ICR.

Yet this could not keep the commercial whaling industry alive. The Institute of Cetacean Research ceased whaling altogether in 2020, they now claim to conduct research using none-violent methods. Three years after Sea Shepherd had stated that they could no longer fight the Japanese, the battle to protect the whales was finally over, for now. Because Paul Watson is sure the ICR might return with a new factory vessel and since they are building one to replace the Nisshin Maru, he thinks that Japan has not giving up on killing whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary!

Changes in direction and the coup against Watson

After 2016 and the foundation of Sea Shepherd Global, the two Sea Shepherd organisations started to move beyond their tradition of direct action and intervention. Actions were taken with national governments in assisting anti-poaching activity in national territorial waters and marine reserves. Sea Shepherd slowly became the marine police of African nations, who did have the means (or political will) to protect their waters against poachers and illegal fishing vessels. Paul Watson did not agreed with this move and so the other members on the board of directors decided to launch a coup against their founder.

Paul Watson and Lamya Essemlali (Sea Shepherd France) were removed from the board of Sea Shepherd Global in late 2022/early 2023. This forced Watson back to the basics with nothing but the support from those who have stood by him since 1977. The leaders of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and Sea Shepherd Global have remained silent on the coup, saying only that Watson had a reduced role in the organisation since 2019. However a Dutch court ruled in 2023, that both Watson and Essemlali were illegally removed from the board of Sea Shepherd Global.

The Captain Paul Watson Foundation

With no ship, no organisation and few supporters in early 2023, Paul Watson started from scratch. He set up the Captain Paul Watson Foundation after Sea Shepherd forbid him from using their name and emblems on social-media. Watson could also not use the name: Neptune Navy, so he named his new fleet: Neptune Pirates. Soon many Sea Shepherd supporters and sections rejected the expulsion and bureaucratic methods used by the leadership. Sea Shepherd UK and Sea Shepherd France joined up with Watson. In response, their names disappeared from the website of Sea Shepherd Global as if they never had been part of the movement. This is how Sea Shepherd now rewrites their own history.

Although feeling betrayed by people who he worked with, Paul Watson turned his eyes on those who keep killing whales and other sea animals. Thanks to a huge donation from John Paul DeJoria, the Captain Paul Watson Foundation was able to buy their first ship. The John Paul DeJoria 2 is now the flagship of Paul Watson as he keeps fighting against those who wish to harm sea animals in the name of traditiom. This is why Revolutionary Socialist Media gives critical support to the Captain Paul Watson Foundation. We support the dedication of Watson, although revolutionary socialists say that only a brake with the capitalist system can result in a new way of thinking. We need democratic planning of our economy for the needs of humans, animals and nature. As Paul Watson said:


LGBT+ movement banned in Russia

It is the biggest dream of any right-wing conservative, banning the whole LGBT+ movement. The Russian ”Empire” just did that! The Russian courts have branded the whole Russian LGBT+ movement as ”extremist” and therefore banned. This is what many right-wingers in the western world would love to do too. Russia has now done it, banning LGBT+ people from expressing themselves. The empire of Vladimir Putin already banned none-hetrosexual material in schools.

Russia is a conservative dictatorship. A brutal right-wing regime build on LGBT+ hatred and rejection of basic human rights. This is what the political right in the western world loves, many right-winger were close to Vladimir Putin like George W. Bush. With the banning of the LGBT+ movement the Russian ”Empire” has returned to the anti-LGBT character of Tsarist and Stalinist periode. We revolutionary socialists knew this long before the imperial court of Putin declared none-heterosexuals ”extremists”. The Kremlin is supported by the reactionary Russian Orthodox Church, a close ally of Vladimir Putin!

The Russian Orthodox Church is an institution that works against workers and youth. We denounce it as an enemy due to their slave love for the Russian state and their rejection of socialism. Orthodox priests spread the poison of Russian nationalism and anti-LGBT+ hatred in churches. They tell the masses to praise the state and its supreme leader Vladimir Putin. Dogmatic loyalty to religion, the state and its criminal leaders shows us why Karl Marx called religion the opium of the people, used by the capitalist class to control the masses.

For many western conservatives and nationalists, Russia is a prime model. They love the reactionary and dictatorial nature of the Russian state and its rejection of ”liberal” values. It comes to no surprise that Putin is still supported by conservative figures. Because there is a massive assault on LGBT+ rights in the western world. Right-wing governments wish to limit LGBT+ rights and in some American states, conservatives are trying to ban anything related to it. The LGBT+ movement dares to challenge the dogma that heterosexuality is the norm and this is what right-wingers fear above all, the fact that not all humans are ”straight”.

Now that the Russian imperialist invasion has stagnated, Russia needs to build up internal enemies to justify the growing poverty. Outside the big cities, the infrastructure is already in a very bad condition. After the Soviet-Union collapsed, most Russian local governments received little to no funding as Boris Yeltsin sold off state assents to former communist party bureaucrats, who became the oligarchs of capitalist Russia. The big cities keep all the money, while 2/3 of Russia is poorly maintained with infrastructures not modernised since they were build in the 1970’s to 1980’s.

Vladimir Putin knows that as long as he keeps the big cities in line, his regime can keep doing what it does since 1999, stealing the wealth from the Russian working class. This is possible because there is no opposition. The liberal opposition failed and was eliminated after 2008. Russia does not have genuine opposition parties as all political parties must support the line of the Kremlin. This is a common way of creating a democratic facade, Alexander Lukashenko also build up his presidential dictatorship on a facade of democracy.

What Russia (and all other countries) lacks is a genuine workers party on a socialist program. The small left-wing of Russia remains weak and sectarian. It is split between Stalinist supporters of the old USSR, anarchists and some Trotskyist groups with no real connection to the working class. Working in Russia today as a revolutionary socialist is very difficult. Between 1991 and 2014 it was possible, but after the invasion of Crimea the Russian state grew more intolerant each year. After February 2022, all opposition to the Tzarist regime of Vladimir Putin was outlawed.

As it was in the old Russian Empire, the revolutionary left-wing will need to work underground. This means that activists will have to be very careful as the FSB (successor to the KGB) is everywhere. Capitalist Russia is a paradise for those who favour an authoritarian government, with a deep hostility for liberals, LGBT+ people, socialists and anything that is not in line with the Kremlin bureaucracy. It comes to no surprise that Vladimir Putin has many right-wing supporters. Unfortunate the Kremlin is also supported by Stalinist communists in a false sense of anti-imperialism.

Stalinist communists have always rejected the LGBT+ movement. Stalin banned gay marriage in the 1930’s and returned to the conservative family traditions of the Russian Empire. Heterosexuality became the accepted gender norm of the Stalinist world. Even after the collapse of the Soviet-Union, many Stalinists remained hostile to the LGBT+ movement. Their social conservatism is the reason why communist parties in the former Soviet-Union have a deep rejection of the LGBT+ movement and call it ”bourgeois dirt”.

Revolutionary socialists oppose this rejection as we link the struggle for LGBT+ liberation with the socialist revolution. There cannot be true LGBT+ tolerance and acceptance inside the current capitalist system. We need socialism to build up a new society with full acceptance of all gender identifications. Capitalism is build on the dogma that heterosexuality is the gender standard. This is why we say that liberal LGBT+ groups fail to change anything. Woke-capitalism is also not the answer as capitalists do not care about true equality and gender acceptance.

We say that the LGBT+ movement needs to build a revolutionary socialist character in order to fight against capitalism and all dictatorships. We need a revolution in both the western world and the eastern world. We need to overthrow the capitalist dictatorships in order to end state oppression. This is why socialists fight with LGBT+ youth and workers, because their liberation can only come trough the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism. We say this because the workers movement need to link up with the LGBT+ movement. Both are needed in the struggle against capitalist regimes and their intolerance.

Henry Kissinger finally died

It took 100 years, but Henry Kissinger finally died on 29 November 2023, age 100. Few people today know him, specially teens and those in their 20’s. But in the late 1960’s and 1970’s, Henry Kissinger was a powerful U.S politician in the service of American imperialism. He was a National Security Advisor and Secretary of State until 1977. Kissinger was a deep supporter of U.S imperialism, but cared little for anti-communist dogma, he was willing to work with Maoist China to weaken Stalinist Russia. He was a pragmatic imperialist and honoured by all American presidents for his services to imperialism. Workers and poor can only hate this man, who lived too long while so many died young due to his actions!

Ask a teen today about Kissinger and he/she/them will not know him. Even those in their 20’s will never have known the name Henry Kissinger. Those who lived in the 1960’s and 1970’s, will never forget the name of the man, who’s actions had huge impacts on the politics of the USA. Kissinger and president Nixon both agreed to drop more bombs on North Vietnam then was dropped on Nazi Germany. Due to these terror attacks, the capital city of Hanoi was heavy damaged. Kissinger also organised the illegal bombing of Cambodia.

The biggest defeat for Kissinger came in April 1975. North Vietnamese forces overran the American puppet regime in South Vietnam. With the defeat of the anti-communists, Vietnam was reunified under the banner of Stalinism, a deep setback for Washington DC and Kissinger personally. Despite this, Kissinger kept supporting right-wing dictatorships around the world and turned a blind eye to the massive human-rights abuses, while the USA gave money and weapons to these dictatorships. To strengthen the western camp, Kissinger made deals with Maoist China.

Until 1972, the PRC (People’s Republic of China) was isolated internationally. Western imperialism supported the ROC (Republic of China) on Taiwan as the only representative of China. Mao’s government was isolated from the Stalinist world since he denounced the Soviet-Union as ”social-imperialist” after 1956. Henry Kissinger flew to Beijing and restarted diplomatic relations between the Chinese mainland and the USA. The anti-communist ROC on Taiwan was abandoned and Washington DC accepted the PRC, as the only legitimate government of whole China.

While the Soviet-Union and its allies were under trade embargos (like Cuba and Vietnam), the People’s Republic of China was able to buy American products like civilian aircrafts, this was only possible thanks to the diplomatic work of Henry Kissinger. In Africa, the Secretary of State worked closely with the totalitarian regime of Mobutu Sese Seko. Kissinger said that the dictator of Congo/Zaire was their biggest success story in Africa. He praised Mobutu, who murdered around 200.000 opponents of his regime!

Henry Kissinger deserves to be hated, but all American presidents praised him. From Nixon to Bush, Clinton to Obama. This is because Henry Kissinger played a major role in strengthening the power of American imperialism during the Cold War, this is why this old killer was praised. Revolutionary socialists will not mourn his death. Henry Kissinger was responsible for so many crimes, the list includes:

• Cambodia: Hundreds of thousands massacred in secret bombing by the US Air Force. This resulted in the coming to power of the Khmer Rouge and its killing fields, where this horrific regime slaughtered millions of Cambodians.

• Vietnam: Two million Vietnamese were killed over eight years of imperialist war being waged on its people.

• Chile 1973: Tens of thousands of workers, socialists, trade unionists, and young people were murdered and tortured after a CIA-backed coup brought Augusto Pinochet to power.

• East Timor 1975: Kissinger gave a nod to the Suharto dictatorship to invade East Timor after winning independence from Portuguese imperialism. 300,000 East Timorese would be slaughtered over the next 24 years.

Although Henry Kissinger had no political power after 1977, he remained a die-hard supporter of American imperialism. Presidents listen to his advice and he said to George W. Bush that the USA must win the war against Islamic fundamentalism. Again, Henry Kissinger failed to see that Islamic fundamentalism is a reaction to the brutal politics of western imperialism in the Islamic world. Kissinger must have felt terrible when another American puppet government fell in April 2021.

Despite his high age, the old supporter of imperialism never stopped working for the western world. Even in 2023, he met Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy in New York City. Kissinger once opposed Ukrainian membership in NATO. However, just before he died the old imperialist changed his mind and wanted Ukraine to join the imperialist bloc against China/Russia. We know that this will not end the conflict as Russian imperialism already says it is fighting NATO. Kissinger was never a man of peace. He supported dictatorship, oppression, murder, terrorism, all in the name of ”defending American freedom”.

Revolutionary socialists call on workers to reject the legacy of Henry Kissinger and fight for a socialist world free from imperialism and capitalism. This is the only way we can truly defeat the modern war hawks who learned much from Kissinger. Socialism is the only alternative out of poverty, insecurity and war. Henry Kissinger fought his whole life against us and it will be our greatest honour to keep fighting, until both western imperialism and eastern imperialism (China and Russia) are destroyed and replaced by socialist societies under the control of the working class!

On the TITAN disaster

On 18 June 2023, a small submersible imploded near the wreck of the TITANIC. The sub was owned by OceanGate, a commercial company that offered tours to the famous wreck for the rich. This elitist tourism ended badly when the TITAN submersible imploded, killing not only four people but also the founder and CEO of OceanGate, a guy named Richard Stockton Rush. The TITAN was a submersible not certified to dive to 4.000 meters. TITAN was build with a carbon fiber hull, Rush claimed it was a pioneer in deep diving. Ignoring safety and tested technology, Stockton Rush went down to the wreck together with four passengers who paid him 250.000 U.S dollars each. All five died when the TITAN imploded.

Migrants dumped on the sea by Fortress Europe

Migrants and refugees face many insecurities. Poverty and desperation is a main reason why so many choose to flee their home country. But wars and dictatorships also play a large role. Afghans flee their country since western imperialism choose to intervene by arming rebels and corrupt Afghan governments. They same can be said about Africans who escape poverty and oppression caused by pro-western dictatorships. Since 2019, a right-wing government rules Greece. This government has chosen to pushback migrants into the sea and lies massively about it. It is a fact that the Greek coast guard is putting refugees and migrants back in their boats, which is illegal and morally wrong. What is worse is that the EU knows about this and does not care. This shows us that Fortress Europe (the EU) is a bunch of hypocrites!

Right-wing populists and far-right politicians are spreading hatred of migrants and refugees for many years now. It is the task of the left-wing to stand in solidarity with victims of anti-migrant rhetoric and politics. Greece is facing a refugee crisis, but that does not give the Greek government the right to ignore international laws. Human-rights groups are sounding the alarms as many boat refugees are pushed back into the sea by the Greek coast guard. According to those who experienced these push backs, they are arrested in Greece, then put on a coast guard ship and dumped on a small boat far out on sea. The brutality of the Greek coast guard reminds us of Nazi methods.

”They threat us like animals” is what survivors of these push-backs tell the Turkish coast guard, who is forced to save many of these refugees who are dumped by Greece. Meanwhile Athens is claiming that they do not push migrants back into the sea. The conservative government of New Democracy (ruling right-wing party) blames Turkey for spreading anti-Greek propaganda. Reality is that we have pictures of Greek ships dumping refugees into small boats and pushing them back into the sea. Athens is lying to the world, yet the European Union does nothing. They ignore the cruel treatment of these migrants/refugees, who are arrested and pushed back with massive brutality by Greek police and coast guard personnel.

The former Coalition of the Radical Left (now a social-democratic party) came to power in 2015. SYRIZA could have build up a socialist Greece. However its leader Alexis Tsipras had abandoned his Marxist ideas and embraced moderate leftism. When the EU turned on Greece and demanded austerity and cuts, Tsipras capitulated before the Troika of the EU, the Worldbank and the IMF. Millions of Greek workers were betrayed as SYRIZA carried out the demands of European capitalism. New Democracy used that to win the elections in 2019. The misttrust of politicians runs deep as less then 57% came and voted in the last elections. This shows us that Greek democracy is weakened due to the inability of SYRIZA and New Democracy to solve the massive inequality.

Although Greece is to blame for pushing migrants/refugees back into the sea, the European Union shares blame too. Fortress Europe is responsible for the fact that so many try to flee towards it. European governments have all intervened in the Arab and Central Asian world. Western bombs have destroyed millions of lives in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen. In Africa, western imperialism is allied to brutal dictators who are very friendly to the European Union. European companies exploit the resources of Africa while giving workers very little of their massive profits. This is why so many try to escape to Europe, not knowing the deep hostility, racism and rejection they face.

Because many European workers also live in insecurity. Capitalism simply cannot solve their problems as it is a system for the ruling class, not the class who is in the majority and who does the actual work. Massive inflation is making life more expensive and millions see their living standards declining. Migrants/refugees face discrimination and hostility, because the left-wing fails to provide a alternative to the injustice of capitalism. Left-wing parties in Europe are not anti-capitalist and remain stuck in the failed social-democratic model. European workers therefore are easily misled by the far-right into hating migrants, although the main blame lies with the capitalist system and the governments who work for them.

European governments know that Greece is breaking international human rights, but they don’t care. NATO countries know that Turkey is a dictatorship and occupying parts of northern Syria, but they don’t care. Russia is under massive sanctions for invading Ukraine. Turkey is free to do anything it wants, despite that they have invaded and occupied northern Syria since 2016. We all remember when the Syrian puppets of Ankara invaded the Afrin region and turned it into a hellhole for the Kurdish people living there. Nothing was done then, because Turkey is a NATO member and ally of the European Union. This is why Fortress Europe is not a beacon of human-rights and tolerance. They are just as imperialist and cruel as American, Russian and Chinese imperialism!

Human-rights mean nothing for European imperialism. They use it for propaganda purposes and to attack Russia/China. But in reality the USA and EU are braking human-rights too. The building of Fortress Europe to stop migration and refugees from outside the EU proofs this. A new Berlin Wall has been build by the Baltic countries to stop refugees from countries such as Belarus and Russia. Again, we remember that European countries share in the blame for the migrant crisis. Western countries have intervened in the Islamic world by destabilising countries such as Afghanistan (since 1978), Iraq (since 2003), Libya (since 2011), Syria (since 2012) and who’s weapons are used to murder people in Yemen (since 2015) by the totalitarian Saudi regime.

Revolutionary socialists reject the anti-migrant/refugee rhetoric. We stand for solidarity with all who flee wars, poverty and injustice. The European Union is building a fortress around Europe, we reject that and fight against it. We call for open and free borders for all, no matter who’s background. The EU has done that for its member states, but since most migrants/refugees are from outside the EU, they face deportations and violence from European authorities. Why then are these desperate people going to Europe? Mainly this is due to the fact that they come from very poor backgrounds. Europe is seen as a heaven, with stable incomes and wealth.

Our enemy is not the migrant worker or the refugee. Our enemy is the same enemy that is causing millions to flee. The capitalist system is causing death and destruction. Therefore we must abolish it and build up a socialist Europe free from the elitists who start wars and cause injustice to fuel their eternal need for profits. The war in Ukraine also shows European racism as Ukrainian refugees are welcomed, yet those from the Islamic world are deported and pushed back into the sea by Greece. The far-right fuels racism as ordinary workers are poisoned to hate those with a migration/refugee background. It is up to us to fight against this hatred and to show workers that their enemy is the capitalist class.

Revolutionary socialists call on the European left-wing to expose the criminal Greek government and their illegal methods of pushing people back into the sea. We need to make clear that the right-wing government in Athens is the enemy of the Greek working class. But at the same time we must expose those leftists who do not fight for a socialist alternative. We must expose the class traitors like Alexis Tsipras who refused to fight the European Union. International Socialist Alternative is fighting for a international socialist alternative. Join us and fight, because we workers have nothing to lose but our chains, we have a world to win!

Far-right propagandist kicked out of Fox News

Tucker Carlson, the most far-right nationalist propagandist at Fox News has been fired. Carlson was the most popular right-wing commentator on the capitalist network since 2017. He replaced Bill O’Reilly, who was the most popular commentator before him. Carlson started to flirt with right-wing nationalism and the far-right during the Covid-19 pandemic. But his downfall came in 2023 when he claimed the U.S elections were rigged in favour of Joe Biden. Carlson said on his program that the voting machines of Dominion Voting Systems were to blame. The company retaliated by suing Fox News for allowing Carlson and others to spread misinformation. To save their capitalist skin, Fox News agreed on paying Dominion over 787,5 million dollars and Tucker Carlson was kicked off the air.

The now former propagandist of Fox News did not start out as a far-right nationalist. Tucker Carlson used to be a mainstream capitalist commentator. He used to work for CNN, NBC, MSNBC before joining Fox News in 2009. Carlson needed to undergo a change of character in order to become the most popular program on the far-right network. He abandoned his bourgeois-liberal profile and embraced right-wing conservatism after 2009. Tucker Carlson was a Democrat between 2006 and 2020 and joined the Republican Party only three years ago. Carlson however always campaigned for the Republicans and Republican-affiliated causes during his time as a Democrat.

Six years ago, Bill O’Reilly was fired from Fox News after he was forced to pay millions, to settle a lawsuit regarding sexual harassment claims of six women who worked for him. After O’Reilly was kicked out, Tucker Carlson took his position as the most popular Fox News commentator. Like Bill O’Reilly, Tucker Carlson spread the most reactionary poison and he was paid millions to do so. Fox News is not a genuine news network. Like all other capitalist ”news” outlets in the USA, it protests the ruling class and the capitalist system. But Fox News has gone much further. It is the official propaganda network of the Republican Party, never criticizing the far-right direction of the party and its supreme leader Donald Trump.

Among the conservative part of the working class, Tucker Carlson got more and more support. This is due to his far-right populism and wild claims which are partly true. He has said often that the U.S system is broken and that both Democrats and Republicans are to blame. But at the same time his solutions are nationalistic and racist. Like all Republicans, Tucker Carlson blames migrants, Muslims, leftists and liberals for the decline of the USA. The very economic system that exploits millions and causes poverty Carlson never attacks. His pseudo-populism allowed him to grow among some (conservative) tv viewers. The problem is that these Americans fail to see how Tucker Carlson (like Donald Trump) is part of the ruling class. He is a millionaire, with a personal wealth of 420 million U.S dollars.

Fox News allowed all his racist far-right nationalist rhetoric because he brought in commercial money. But the downfall came when Carlson attacked Dominion Voting Systems which fought back. The company claimed that Carlson was spreading lies and misinformation about their products and they sued Fox News for it. In order to stop the legal battle, Fox News agreed on paying over 787 million dollars to Dominion. After doing so they kicked Tucker Carlson out, because in the end he cost them a lot of money. Revolutionary socialists say that this shows how big money controls all of our media.

We say that the media should not be under private nor state ownership. The media and their means of production (studios, printing machines) should belong to society and open to all ideologies. Right now, the system only grants access to those who can pay. It is no wonder that in the two party dictatorship that is the USA, only capitalist political parties get television access, third parties are completely ignored. Most Americans only know the Democratic Party and Republican Party, this is due to the capitalist media which only covers candidates from these two parties. During the last presidential election in 2020, the two parties of capitalism spend over 14 billion dollars on the media.

Tucker Carlson is gone, but not silenced. Like Bill O’Reilly he has the millions to set up a political show of his own. There are enough far-right networks, but Fox News is the biggest and the one with the most reach. What working class Americans need is a network that works for them. We need socialist media in the service of the class struggle. This is almost impossible under capitalism, because those with money control what most working class people think. Independent digital media is competing with television, but for millions it remains still the only source of information for now. Fox News has enough propagandists to succeed Tucker Carlson. Soon there will another far-right show promoting white nationalism, racism and the idiotic idea that Donald Trump won the election.

Fox News is not informing its viewers on things that matter. The network is build to mislead and to act as a propaganda arm of the Republican Party. Capitalism does not want workers to know the reality, that it is a system build for a small minority only. It works very well for those who own the economy, for the millionaires and billionaires like Tucker Carlson and Bill O’Reilly, who were paid so much money to spread their anti-worker, pro-capitalist poison. Socialist Alternative (ISA in the USA) has said it clearly in 2011, when Fox News was caught up in a earlier scandal:

In the U.S., five huge corporations – all household names – control the majority of all forms of mass media, as documented in The New Media Monopoly, by Ben Bagdikian. The corporate media can’t be relied upon to provide fair and honest news. We need to build independent media sources for workers and youth from the bottom up, like Justice newspaper, and We also need a society in which the media are not controlled by a handful of huge corporations, but instead democratically controlled, with access to all points of view rather than viewpoints manufactured by tycoons and politicians.

Why capitalist democracy fails

In Poland, 39% of all voters stayed home during the last election. In Romania 49% did not vote and in Bulgaria 60% choose not to participate. In 1990, democracy was restored in those former Stalinist people’s republics. The western capitalist media hailed them as capitalism would create ”freedom and democracy”, they claim. In reality, the voter turnout proof that many working class people in eastern Europe have little trust in established politicians and their political vehicles. In the Baltic countries (hailed as the most democratic ex-Soviet republics) the voter turnout is also low. Only 59% of all Latvians voted in 2022, 47% voted in Lithuania and 63% choose to vote in Estonia.

The voter turnout shows you how strong a democracy truly is. If less then 50% of all voters choose to vote then your democracy is flawed and not healthy. We revolutionary socialists understand why. Under capitalism, politicians from all directions care only about one thing; serving the needs of the ruling class. Working class people are not stupid, they know this and it shows why so many American voters do not vote in the deeply flawed democracy that is the United States of America. In the 1990’s, the voter turnout was high in eastern Europe. Millions believed the lies of capitalist social-democrats (often ex-Stalinists), neoliberals and right-wing conservatives.

20 years after the collapse of Stalinism in 2010, working class people started to realize that voting changed nothing. Only in Hungary did the voter turnout remain high, this is mainly due to the nationalist propaganda of the conservative government. Viktor Orban controls the media and claims that he is fighting Islam, the EU and foreign control over his country. In reality, Hungary remains loyal to the European capitalist market and NATO. Orban is not a rebel, but the media in Hungary is very much on his side. Brainwashing millions into thinking that the Hungarian Civic Alliance (nationalist conservatives) fights for them, much like the Republican Party in the USA brainwashes millions, with pseudo-talk about opposing the establishment.

In other ex-Stalinist states like the Baltic countries, Romania, Bulgaria and Poland, the voter turnout dropped after 2010. Many voters cannot see any difference between social-democrats, liberals, greens and conservatives. They are right, because there is little difference between these ideologies, who in the end all support the market dictatorship, the European Union and world capitalism. Because there is no socialist alternative, millions choose not to vote and this helps the capitalist establishment. They don’t need a high voter turnout, they only need a clear majority for capitalist political parties serving their needs. The left-wing remains weak due to their inability to provide a clear brake with capitalism.

A good example of this is the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) in Greece. This coalition was created in 2004 to combat the pseudo-left led by the Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK), the main social-democratic party of Greece. The coalition became a political party in 2012 and defeated the social-democrats of PASOK in 2015. SYRIZA had the chance of fighting for a socialist alternative, but their reformist leaders choose to collaborate with capitalism. Like the social-democrats before them, the pseudo-leftists of SYRIZA betrayed the workers to the capitalists. SYRIZA lost the election in 2019 as the Greek voter turnout dropped from 63% in 2015 to 57% in 2019.

During the 2022 Qatargate scandal, it was revealed that members from the ”Socialists & Democrats” faction in the European Parliament were deeply corrupt. Social-democrats like Eva Kaili (PASOK), Antonio Panzeri (Article One, Italy) and Marc Tarabella (Socialist Party in Wallonia) are said to have received money from the dictatorial State of Qatar to make positive propaganda in the European Parliament. Marc Tarabella did said positive things about the absolute monarchy, while over 6500 workers were killed in the building of roads, hotels and infrastructure for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. This shows us that social-democrats are not socialists, not left-wing and sure not working for ordinary people.

Capitalist democracy is a façade and it is time that working class people understand this. Many do understand that the system is broken, but due to capitalist indoctrination, they think that ordinary people cannot change the system. This is a result of the capitalist media telling them each day that corruption and injustice is something they just have to accept. In many countries, political corruption is very common. Eastern Europe is deeply corrupt just as Africa, Asia and the former Soviet-Union. This is mainly because the government in these countries work for those who have the money, millionaires and billionaires (oligarchs). Even democratic countries like India are not less corrupt.

This shows us that democracy and capitalism do not need each other. Sure, democracy gives capitalism a nice façade, but the ruling class will never allow genuine democracy meaning public control over the means of production. Capitalist scum exploit and destroy workers, nature and the climate for their own greed. They fly private jets, own huge yachts and build massive palaces while billions of workers live in poverty and struggle for survival in the hell that is world capitalism. Revolutionary socialists do not play by the book of bourgeois democracy or a democracy under capitalism. We demand a socialist revolution to bring about genuine democracy and that requires the end of the capitalist system.

Because the mainstream capitalist ideologies have all proven to be equal miserable to working class people, many turn to right-wing populists and nationalists. These far-right forces play with anti-establishment rhetoric but they never brake with the capitalism. Far-right parties such as the Alternative for Germany, National Rally in France, Forum for Democracy in the Netherlands and the Hungarian Civic Alliance play on fear and mistrust. Like the old fascists, they blame minorities such as Muslims for all problems created by capitalist governments. Migrants and refuges are the main enemy they claim, not the market dictatorship they support!

What is to be done? First we need workers parties that dare to oppose the system. We cannot trust social-democrats nor those moderate leftists who talk about reforms. Bernie Sanders (USA) has failed because he did not dare to brake with the system. SYRIZA failed because it did not dare to brake with the system. If leftists do not dare to oppose capitalism then they will fail again and again as social-democracy showed us. Now all that is left of the old labour parties in Europe are corrupt politicians, taking money from dictatorships to enrich themselves. An income of 7.000 euro’s (7.500 dollars) a month with over 4.000 euro expenses covered was apparently not enough for corrupt scum like Eva Kaili, Antonio Panzeri and Marc Tarabella!

Trade unions need to step up the fight for new workers parties. Because we need the unions to rally workers. The main problem is that the trade unions are led by reformist social-democratic types who do not wish to fight for workers rights. They want to submit the working class to capitalist pressure and threats of layouts. This is why workers cannot trust trade union leaders who do not wish to fight for a socialist alternative. The lack of class consciousness among workers is the main reason why the trade unions are led by people, who are not anti-capitalist nor wish to fight for socialism. It allows capitalism to rule supreme, not by force but by indoctrination of ordinary people, who think that they cannot change anything!

Capitalism knows that it fails working class people, but it keeps on playing the ”everything is good” card. Capitalist commentators never talk about a alternative and media outlets like newspapers all have capitalist owners, who will never employ journalists who stand against the private ownership of media and means of production. Revolutionary socialists will have to fight against a monolith, but we have no choice. 8 billion people are suffering because of a minority who own all the wealth on this planet. In 2023, the poor and working class make up 88% of all humans, yet they own only 15% of all wealth created. The ruling class and their puppets own 85% of all money and it is time we take that from them!

As International Socialist Alternative explains:

In order to end the existence of billionaires we — the billions and workers and poor people — must end the system that breeds billionaires: capitalism. We make society run, and we can transform it if we organise together. The recent strike wave in Britain and the North that has brought teachers, nurses, dockers and rail workers out on strike gave a small glimpse of the power of workers. This is a power that if harnessed can end the rule of the billionaire class and bring about a socialist world.

Lies and violence for capitalist interests in Germany

There is a battle going on for the abandoned town of Lützerath in North Rhine-Westphalia, middle Germany. The town is owned by Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk or RWE, a capitalist energy company that is famous for using dirty energy like brown coal. RWE bought the town Lützerath and plans on destroying it to mine. Here we see a classic case of how the capitalist state uses its police force against those who stand against the RWE and their greed for dirty energy. It also reminds us of the first Avatar movie in 2009. The RWE is very similar to the capitalistic; Resources Development Administration, that destroyed the home tree of the Na’vi people in the movie. Many activists are fighting against the RWE, but face police brutality and a government that is fully supportive of the RWE, despite the fact that greens are party of the German government.

Brown coal or lignite is mined in Germany, which is the largest supplier of the coal. Before 1990, the Stalinist: German Democratic Republic (DDR) used brown coal as its main resource to generate power. However it is also clear that brown coal is very toxic for humans. Various toxic heavy metals, including naturally occurring radioactive materials may be present in lignite which are left over in the coal fly ash produced from its combustion, further increasing health risks. This was ignored by capitalist interests who only care about cheap resources to make big profits. RWE is allowed to mine for brown coal until 2030, however for us and many activists this is too long. Germany must end its use of brown coal now!

Alliance 90/The Greens is the main green party in Germany. It was created out of the East-German: Alliance 90 and the West-German: the Greens. Despite its claims about willing to fight for a green future, the German greens have proven their loyalty to capitalism a long time ago. They joined the capitalist Schröder governments from 1998 until 2005. Nothing was done fundamentally to end neoliberal austerity. Worse, the greens were forced to accept deregulation and privatizations. This is why many leftists do not think the Alliance 90/The Greens is a genuine environmentalist party as it supports the capitalist system and stands with capitalists of the RWE against those who oppose them.

The media (which is loyal to the capitalist system) claims that the RWE has the right to the destroy the town of Lützerath because they own it. This is also the line of the Olaf Scholz government in Berlin. This capitalist government made up of social-democrats, greens and liberals is not left-wing and proofs this by standing with the RWE. However many activists lack a class consciousness and have illusions that by appealing to (capitalist) politicians, that they will stop the RWE and police brutality. The reality is that the police is told by politicians to attack the activists and clear the town for the RWE.

North Rhine-Westphalia is governed by a coalition of the conservatives and greens. This shows us that the German green party is by no means a party in opposition to capitalist pollution. By joining forces with the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in North Rhine-Westphalia, the Alliance90/the Greens have once again proven their loyalty to govern under capitalism. They say that the RWE has a legal claim to destroy Lützerath and that they had to compromise with the conservatives. For us these claims are empty as they do not end the use of brown coal nor will it save Lützerath.

What is needed is the full nationalization of the RWE under workers self management. Also we need to nationalize the Deutsche Bank, who is investing massively in dirty energy like brown coal. We cannot trust politicians from the so called ”centre-left” to fight for the climate and working class people. Social-democrats and greens have proven that they are loyal to capitalist law and order by sending in the police to clear Lützerath. Revolutionary socialists call on The Left (Die Linke) to stop trying to make coalitions with the established pseudo-left-wing. Social-democrats and greens are not our allies in the struggle against pollution and climate change.

Socialist Alternative (ISA Germany) is calling for:

  • Protecting the climate – Lützerath must remain.
  • Immediate stop to lignite mining and decommissioning of coal-fired power plants
  • Immediate shutdown of all nuclear power plants
  • State investments in billions in the conversion of the energy supply to renewable energies
  • Socialization and conversion of production to ecologically harmless and durable products
  • Full continued payment of wages and new qualified jobs for all employees in companies that have to be closed for climate protection
  • Joint struggle of employees and climate protectors
  • Affordable mobility for everyone – reintroducing the 9-euro ticket, seats for everyone, massive expansion of public transport, local transport for free, speed limits on motorways
  • Transfer the energy, auto industry, large corporations and banks into common ownership
  • Democratic control and management by staff committees and working people
  • Act globally against the destruction of the climate and environment